Kyriell Noon, CEO of Hamilton Families, has been serving the most vulnerable populations in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 20 years. As someone who grew up in public housing and who was raised by a single working mother, he brings a personal commitment to Hamilton Families’ work.
Kyriell Noon oversees Hamilton Families’ family shelter, transitional housing, and homelessness prevention programs in the city of San Francisco and its Rapid Re-Housing program which helps over 150 families experiencing homelessness in San Francisco move into housing throughout the Bay Area annually. Under his leadership, Hamilton Families is improving its ability to meet the most urgent needs of unhoused families and to create the conditions for long-term economic security and mobility for family participants. Read Kyriell’s bio.
“I am a person who searches for solutions, and my hope is that we—community partners, advocates, supporters, and staff—build an equitable Bay Area for all our neighbors and friends.”
More about what Hamilton Families is doing differently to end family homelessness