Family homelessness is a complicated experience that affects different families in different ways. For most families, it is simply the result of generational poverty.
Right now, families make up about 30 percent of the homeless population. The good news is that with the support of agencies like Hamilton Families, we can end it.
Start by learning as much as you can about family homelessness.
What is Family Homelessness?
Families experiencing homelessness are similar to other families that are also low income; the big difference is that they are unhoused and do not have a home to live in.
“Adults and children in families make up about 30 percent of the homeless population.”
What are the signs of family homelessness?
Families experiencing homelessness are often called the “invisible” homeless since most families do not sleep on the streets; most are doubled up, others are in temporary shelter or staying in motels. Only a small fraction are unsheltered.
What is the impact of homelessness on a family’s daily life?
Living while experiencing homelessness is extremely difficult especially for children and youth, but there’s a lot you can learn to help you understand how homelessness impacts families’ lives.
What services are available for families experiencing homelessness?
There’s no single type of family homelessness. If you are an unhoused family or you think you know a family who might be experiencing homelessness, take a moment to learn about what supportive services might be available.
How can I help End Family Homelessness?
At Hamilton Families, we support housing specialists who work with families to break the cycle of poverty in order to stabilize and thrive.
“Family homelessness is a perpetual cycle and something needs to be done to end it.”
Elizabeth Herrera has been experiencing homelessness off and on with her family for over a decade. Watch this video to hear her story and learn why it’s so important to support our work to end family homelessness.