
Are you and your family in need of services?

It’s not your fault. The first step is seeking help.

If you are a family with a child who is experiencing homelessness, where you sleep tonight is probably your biggest concern. Moving beyond homelessness into safe and stable housing is a team effort — so you and our housing specialists will work together to find the best housing option for you.


Making a housing stability plan is kind of like putting together a puzzle.

Your housing specialist and case workers will look at several different puzzle pieces: your family’s composition, your employment, your lifestyle, and any health conditions you might have. Depending on how the pieces fit together, you may be helped in different ways.

How can I find the right help for my family?

Finding help for your family can be difficult. It can take weeks, months, or even years to find the right housing solutions. Families in the City and County of San Francisco who need access to homelessness and housing services must first go to the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) Coordinated Entry Access points. Families with children under the age of 18 can contact a Coordinated Entry Access Point for emergency shelter and temporary housing resources, and to access housing assistance and problem solving.

El Departamento de Vivienda de Apoyo para Personas sin Hogar (HSH) de San Francisco creó el proceso de Acceso Coordinado para asegurarse de que las personas sin hogar tengan acceso al Sistema de Respuesta para las Personas sin Hogar (HRS) de San Francisco, que es el sistema general de programas y oportunidades de vivienda para personas que se encuentran sin hogar. Las familias que se encuentran sin hogar pueden aprovechar el Acceso Coordinado Familiar presentándose en el Punto de Acceso de Bayview o en el Punto de Acceso Central de la Ciudad durante sus horas de operación.

What programs and services are offered at Hamilton Families?

Hamilton Families takes a “Housing First” approach to stabilizing unhoused families. That means we believe stable housing is a primary human need which must be met to successfully treat other issues related to housing instability. We believe in affordable housing interventions including Rapid Re-Housing, eviction and homelessness prevention, temporary shelter, and transitional housing.

What do I need to receive help from hamilton families?

It’s normal to have a lot of questions when you are seeking housing support for your family. Here are the supportive programs and services offered by Hamilton Families and their eligibility requirements.

  • Operated by Hamilton Families | Shelter

    Notice: All families must be referred via Coordinated Entry System through 1 of 3 Access Points in San Francisco

    Eligibility requirements for a referral from Coordinated Entry:

    • Family unit, no single adults

    • Adults must have 51% custody of children

    • Must be experiencing homelessness in San Francisco (cannot have a current lease under their name)

    Required documents for enrollment post referral from Coordinated Entry:

    • Photo Identification for all adults

    • Birth Certificates of all minor children

    • Social security cards for all family members (if applicable)

    • Current income verification for all adults (includes employment paystubs, SSI, SSDI, CalWORKs and Cal fresh)

    • Immunization records for all children

    • Recent (within last 6 months) proof of negative tuberculosis TB test for ALL family members

  • Operated by Hamilton Families | Transitional Housing

    Notice: All families must be referred via Coordinated Entry System through 1 of 3 Access Points in San Francisco 

    Eligibility requirements for a referral from Coordinated Entry:

    • Family unit, no single adults 

    • Adults must have 51% custody of children 

    • Must be experiencing homelessness in San Francisco (cannot have a current lease under their name)

    Required documents for enrollment post-referral from Coordinated Entry:

    • Photo Identification for all adults 

    • Birth Certificates of all minor children 

    • Social security cards for all family members (if applicable) 

    • Current income verification for all adults (includes employment paystubs, SSI, SSDI, CalWORKs and Cal fresh)

    • Immunization records for all children 

    • Recent (within last 6 months) proof of negative tuberculosis TB test for ALL family members 

  • Operated by Hamilton Families | Housing Services

    Hamilton Families is able to assist families seeking back rent assistance. Hamilton Families is able to assist with rent owed from April 2022 and later, assistance with rent owed prior to April 2020 and assistance with rent between April 2020 and March 2022 if you:

    • Exceeded rental assistance available from the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief Program

    • Were denied assistance from the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief Program and your appeal was denied

    • Did not apply to the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief Program by March 31, 2022

    Eligibility requirements are:

    • Seeking back rent assistance for a unit in San Francisco, California

    • Your household is considered a family unit with at least 50% custody of a child(ren) under the age of 18

    • You are below the income limit for your household size

    • You are at risk or homelessness or housing instability

    If you meet these requirements, please apply directly onto the website https://sferap.com/

    Upon completion of application, please click Hamilton Families as your designated provider. Once Hamilton Families has been assigned your application, outreach will be made.

    If you have received any eviction papers, immediately contact the Eviction Defense Collaborative at 415-470-5211 or edcradco@evictiondefense.org

  • Operated by Hamilton Families | Housing Services

    Hamilton Families is able to assist families who are seeking security and/or first and last months’ rent. Hamilton Families can assist with up to $7,500 in move in costs.

    Eligibility requirements are:

    • Seeking move in assistance costs for a unit in San Francisco or nearby Bay Area Counties

    • Your household is considered a family unit with at least 50% custody of child(ren) under the age of 18

    • You are below the income limit for your household size

    • You are currently experiencing homelessness in San Francisco OR you are moving out of your current San Francisco unit to another unit whether in San Francisco or surrounding Bay Area Counties

    If you meet these requirements, please apply directly onto the website sferap.com.

    Upon completion of application, please click Hamilton Families as your designated provider. Once Hamilton Families has been assigned your application, outreach will be made.

  • Operated by Hamilton Families | Housing Services

    Notice: All families must be referred via Coordinated Entry System through 1 of 3 Access Points in San Francisco 

    Eligibility requirements for a referral from Coordinated Entry:

    • Be considered a family unit: Family unit definition vary of the contract eligibility requirements: 

    • Expectant Mothers in their 2nd or 3rd Trimester 

    • Family with minor children 

    • Adult must have at least 50% custody of child 

    • Family must be experiencing homelessness in San Francisco (have no current lease under any adults name)

    • Family must be at or below 50% Area Median Income/ AMI 

    Required documents for enrollment post referral from Coordinated Entry:

    • Photo identification for all adults 

    • Birth certificates of all the children 

    • Social security cards for all family members (if applicable) 

    • Income Verification statements (SSI, CalWorks, Paystubs, Unemployment benefits, etc.).

    • 30 day Certificate of Homelessness from either a shelter, transitional housing or some kind of collation or agency that works with families experiencing homelessness 

Need to talk to someone?

Our housing specialists are available to answer your questions and give you the help you need.


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