
Ending family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area depends on creating a sustainable impact.

We rigorously collect and analyze data from our programs to continually improve our approach and scale up progress. Our efforts can be measured in many ways from this past fiscal year. Check out how much of an impact we made for the families we serve by reviewing our metrics in the dashboard below.


Families Served Since 2012 (#)


Participant by Gender Identity (%)

Participant by Race (%)

Adult Participant by Education (%)


The Case for Sustained Support

Taking the lessons learned during the pandemic, Hamilton Families is conducting an analysis of our Rapid Re-Housing efforts, identifying new programmatic investments that will improve long-term housing and economic stability outcomes for families in our programs, including the addition of Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI).  

In partnership with Google.org and J-PAL North America, Hamilton Families will assess the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial to determine whether temporary, unrestricted cash assistance to families receiving rental assistance yields positive long-term housing stability outcomes. We hope to see increased stability at exit and 12 months post-exit, and we are excited to see additional benefits of adding GBI, especially after the significant economic impact that COVID has had on low-income and low-wealth families in our programs.