Help us to Support A




Hamilton Families is San Francisco’s leading service provider to families experiencing homelessness, with carefully designed programs to prevent homelessness, provide shelter and stability, return families to permanent housing, and support the well-being of children experiencing homelessness. Hamilton Families serves hundreds of local children and families in our community each year. Every family requires caring volunteers, donated goods and services, and—most importantly—the financial generosity of people like you.

Although we are proud of the support we are able to fulfill, currently, for every family that is granted assistance there are three families waiting to receive housing services. Through our “Support-A-Family” program, you have the opportunity to make a real and concrete impact today by helping us close the gap on ending family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. Your gift will bring security and relief to local families when they need it most and allow you to be part of the life-changing impact at Hamilton Families.

For questions on how to “Support-A-Family,” contact Hamilton Families by emailing

It’s Easy to Get Started


1. Create Your Page


Compete at work

Create a Support-A-Family fundraiser at your work place and compete against teams and departments who work with you. Incentivize winners and keep an eye on each other’s progress with our handy fundraising monitor tools.

Challenge Yourself

Challenge yourself not just to test your strength and endurance—but to end family homelessness. Whether it’s a local 5k, a group bike ride, or a half-marathon, you can participate in your favorite event while helping Support-A-Family.

Celebrate Milestones

Mark a special occasion in your life and Support-A-Family. From holidays to birthdays to weddings, come together with your friends and family to celebrate—and raise funds to end family homelessness.

Honor Someone

A tribute page is a special place where you can honor a loved one, share their story with family and friends, and provide an opportunity for others to make online gifts to help Support-A-Family experiencing homelessness.


2. Spread the Word with #SupportAFamily


#SupportAFamily addresses the opportunity for our partners-in-action to directly underwrite the costs of a family’s participation in Hamilton Families’ programs. We want to help our supporters and donors as they strive to strengthen family stability and help families build the connections to their communities.


3. Raise Funds to Make an Impact

When you “Support-A-Family,” you are making a real and concrete impact on ending family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. Your gift will bring security and relief to local families when they need it most and allow you to be part of the life-changing impact at Hamilton Families.

Hunger & Sickness

Children experiencing homelessness are twice as likely to experience hunger and become sick four times more often than other children. When you “Support-A-Family,” you are ensuring the families and children we serve do not feel hunger and avoid illness.

Behavior & Development

They are also three times more likely than their peers to develop behavioral problems and four times more likely to show delayed development. “Support-A-Family” to help prevent the trauma caused by homelessness from effecting families and children in your community.

School & Performance

Children experiencing homelessness are more than twice as likely to repeat a grade, be suspended, or drop out of school, and less than half of all homeless students are at grade level proficiency in writing and math. With the “Support-A-Family” program, you are helping the 1 in 30 students experiencing homelessness in San Francisco to find a safe place to sleep.


Become a Supporter

When you “Support-A-Family,” you are not only helping bring security and relief to local families when they need it most, you are ending family homelessness for the entire San Francisco Bay Area. We think your generosity in being part of the life-changing impact at Hamilton Families should be rewarded! When you commit to and reach one of the two fundraising goals below, Hamilton Families will proudly recognize your achievements and provide you with awards and mementos from the family you support.

But why $51,ooo?

The cost of supporting one family in our housing program which provides temporary rental assistance and supportive services for up to two years, costs $51,000. 


$51K Supporters Receive

Recognition as a $51,000 Supporter via listing on the Support web page of the Hamilton Families website

A certificate acknowledging your support of the “Support-A-Family” initiative

A “Support-A-Family badge for your website or social media page

A tax-deductible receipt

Family story and photos

Recognition via Hamilton Families social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

Letter from the Family with updates on memorable milestones

Highlight as a $51,000 Supporter in an email announcement


$25K Supporters Receive

Recognition as a $25,000 Supporter via listing on the Support web page of the Hamilton Families website

A certificate acknowledging your support of the “Support-A-Family” initiative

A “Support-A-Family badge for your website or social media page

A tax-deductible receipt

Family story and photos

Recognition via the Hamilton Families social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)