Help Hamilton Families make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring

Sometimes, all it takes is a bad cold, or a parking ticket, or a missed shift to trigger the spiraling descent into homelessness. Every night, more than 25,000 people go to sleep experiencing homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area — over 2,500 of whom were served by Hamilton Families last year. All of them were at or below the poverty line, experiencing economic instability.

A parking ticket for someone at median income or higher is a minor inconvenience; that same parking ticket for someone with low income could be disastrous. It could very well upend their livelihood. But what if we had a safety net that made sure a family could pay for that parking ticket, for that medication, for that babysitter, and stop that first domino from ever falling? As the proverb goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Ironically, it was the pandemic that showed us the way. It taught us, as a country, the value of stimulus payments in mitigating poverty, of emergency housing for our most vulnerable, of childcare for low-income families. At Hamilton Families, we learned from those lessons and are taking a proactive approach to keep  these small obstacles from escalating into a situation that derails a family’s housing stability. We are advocating for systemic improvements across the Bay Area that solve for lived experiences rather than committee approved theories.

Our strategies must meet people where they are, not where we assume they are. That is what our community demands and, at Hamilton Families, we know it’s how we make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring. 

In community,

Kyriell Noon
CEO Hamilton Families

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Read our Quarterly Impact Report Q3 2021-22

This past quarter saw its fair share of challenges but also an incredible number of successes in helping to stem the tide of family homelessness in our communities, not least of which was providing 343 families with rental subsidies in our Rapid Re-Housing program.

Download our Q3 Quarterly Impact Report and read about all the challenges we have overcome, trends we are seeing on the ground floor, and successes we have accomplished in our mission to end family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

mother's day photo collage

Here's to the Moms of Hamilton Families 🎉

Mother’s Day was underway at Hamilton Families! Our Shelter and Transitional Housing programs honored all our incredible mothers with celebratory events complete with giveaway gift bags, makeup, and hair styling from Bloomingdales, and brunch from Whole Foods!

Also, it's not too late to get yourself a little something from our #MomLife Mother’s Day Collection in the Hamilton Families merch store! Proceeds from these sales directly support the programs and operations at Hamilton Families.

I believe #EveryoneDeservesHousing and that #MentalHealthMatters, especially for families living with the trauma of homelessness. Join me to #EndFamilyHomelessness in the #SFBayArea 🧡 Learn how at 

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