The data shows what we always believed: we CAN end family homelessness

the data shows what we always believed: we CAN end family homelessness

Investing in solutions to ending homelessness works. Don’t believe us? Not only did Hamilton Families help 224 families exit homelessness last year, but overall, San Francisco’s Point in Time (PIT) Count reported a 3.5% decrease in homelessness since 2019, the first decrease we’ve seen in nearly a decade. No small feat considering this occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with an increase in housing costs and homelessness rates in the rest of the Bay Area. All this shows that with community investments like the Prop C Fund, San Francisco will see more progress in the years to come when we invest in more permanent housing. 

Hamilton Families was founded on that approach—that permanent housing is the first step to stability and is key to breaking the cycle of homelessness for families and individuals alike.  

We know that permanent housing works, but we are also acutely aware that we need diverse housing options to meet the wide-ranging needs of our community, options like permanent supportive housing and permanent subsidized housing. With eviction moratoriums ending, we are expecting that more families and adults will enter homelessness in the coming year, which is why we need your support now! Part of our progress as a community means creating these housing options and acknowledging that the work we have committed to is working.  

The San Francisco PIT Count proves what we at Hamilton Families have always believed: we CAN end family homelessness. But this is only possible because of you. Thank you for joining us in championing solutions to end family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area.  

In community,

Kyriell Noon
CEO Hamilton Families

Read, listen, and watch stories of those who are making an impact =>

The impact of homelessness on families and our impact in ending it 

We’ve come a long way in understanding family homelessness and the impact it has on the families who are suffering most. It couldn’t be clearer that this is an issue that disproportionately affects people of color, in particular single, Black and Brown mothers. Part of our work at Hamilton Families is to encourage transparency and accountability. We believe in holding ourselves and our city accountable to move more families into homes and provide the support needed. 

That’s why we created our Impact Dashboard, showing our progress in moving families from homelessness to housed. If we’re going to keep pushing forward, then it’s up to us to gather this data and use it to pressure ourselves and our leaders to make decisions that make huge differences for families in our communities.  

Save-the-Date! The Hamilton Families Annual Benefit Block Party is on October 6 🎉

For over 35 years, Hamilton Families has been ending family homelessness... and for over 35 years, YOU have helped us create a ripple effect that we hope will extend beyond San Francisco, and into the greater Bay Area as we share our efforts to help low-income families stabilize and thrive.

Dance alongside our CEO Kyriell Noon and help us ensure families in our community stay stably housed as we continue to help hundreds of families move into permanent housing in the coming year! 

Join @HamFamSF, stand up, and speak out for families experiencing #homelessness and housing insecurity, and for the creation of policies that foster diversity and inclusion in the SF Bay Area. Your voice may be your greatest tool in helping to #EndFamilyHomelessness!

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